******************************************************************************* DISCLAIMER ... and invitation ******************************************************************************* This ARChive (ie, the one in which this DISCLAIM.TXT is found) was copied from the Library of ownloadable software available via Frolic & Detour BBS for Lawyers, a service operated by Electronic Law Publishing Co. (hereinafter "ELP"). The Frolic & Detour Library contains over 800 "titles" (and this ARChive is but one of them!) which have been selected and collected for their potential use in law offices. New "titles" are added daily; older (less popular) files are periodically purged. In short, the collection is in a constant state of flux. You are invited to call this BBS at 1-919-893-5206 (300-9600bps, 1 stop bit and no parity) and get the complete "card catalog" of available files by ownloading ALLFILES.ARC (or the ASCII-text version thereof, ALLFILES.ARC). These files are distributed to (1) all PAYING users of the Frolic & Detour BBS Library and (2) anyone else who requests them and pays the appropriate charges we assess for making the copies. However, all users of the files within this ARChive must understand that this Frolic & Detour service is a LIBRARY, not a software supermarket. And ELP is the LIBRARIAN, not the vendor of these offerings. Just as your local librarian assembles a library from millions of books, we have several thousand possible "titles" to pick from. Your local librarian selects the library's collection based on a personal value judgment of the wants and needs of the library's patrons - and we do the same. Your local librarian does not endorse the contents or ideas of every book; in fact, the librarian hasn't read most of the books selected (for openers, there isn't enough time to do that!). By the same token, we don't represent that any of these programs will suit you; some may have "bugs", others may solve problems you do not have, and others still may solve your problems in a manner you do not like. Some may even interfere with (or overwrite) existing files on your computer (so BE CAREFUL!). All this is up to you to discover - just as you would discover the true utility of a book after you checked it out of your local library. So if you insist on some sort of guarantee that a program will do what you want or functions as its name ("title") implies, go elsewhere (ie, get a consultant, buy a program through the regular commercial distribution channels, etc. - but don't "shop" here!). Like your local librarian, we offer NO GUARANTEES, only opportunities. We are committed to keeping the "public domain" and "shareware" concept of software distribution alive. But we are also committed to preserving the copyright interests of those program writers who do NOT want their programs distributed this way. We get our programs from a variety of sources - and we are as certain as we reasonably can be that the authors of the works within our library have either (1) placed their work in the public domain or (2) sincerely and knowingly want their efforts distributed via libraries such as ours. We want to run a "clean" library having NO "pirated" (ie, "stolen") software. As authors of software ourselves, we want to protect those who have labored to produce the stuff which makes our computers something more than fancy paperweights. ******************************************************************************* DISCLAIMER ... and invitation (cont.) ******************************************************************************* To help us keep the library both a valuable and a legitimate service, we REQUIRE that each user notify us if he or she finds ANYTHING in our library which appears not to be either "public domain" or "shareware" (or which appears to be of "hacked", "pirated", "Trojan", "viral" or other questionable origin). We will return all such software to whomever appears to be its rightful owner (together with a statement of where we got it originally). We will also take any other action (such as notifying the FBI) as may be appropriate. Finally, like any librarian, we're interested in hearing from you. Did you like a program you got here? Did it work as expected? Did it have any bugs? And how was the "documentation" (ie, the instructions) that came with it? Do we NOT have something you'd like (maybe we can find it)? A "product review" from you would be invaluable to future library users (it doesn't have to be elaborate - start by answering the question, "Does it work?"). PUBLISH or PERISH anyone? If you'd like some of your efforts (including word processing forms) memorialized here, just send us the offering. If one lawyer finds a program or form useful, others will, too. And that's the standard for admitting anything into our library. So, if you want your works distributed, please let us know. We'll be glad to oblige! Richard T. (Rick) Rodgers, Pres. and SYSOP Disks-by-Mail Program Electronic Law Publishing Company Post Office Box 1119 Buies Creek, NC 27506-1119. Frolic & Detour BBS for Lawyers) 1-919-893-5206 - 300-9600bps, 8 bit word length, 1 stop bit, no parity - 24hrs.